Welcome to the Mustang Nursing Virtual Learning Lab!
In this Learning Lab, there are several learning modules that are my compiled collection from modules I have authored and other web sites:
Civilty and Conflict Management
Module 1: Civility and Incivility in the Nursing Workplace: https://softchalkcloud.com/lesson/serve/6r942KvBmMQDx3/html
Module 2: Conflict and Conflict Management Styles: https://www.softchalkcloud.com/lesson/serve/9mlAyVhPfbL3DX/html
Module 3: Conflict Management for Nurses: https://softchalkcloud.com/lesson/serve/P6YdEIAFtVlkow/html
Module 4: Pre-Virtual Simulation Briefing 2.0 (2nd ed.).: https://softchalkcloud.com/lesson/serve/Nm05DVzhnwFy6d/html
Module 5: Leibold, N. (2020). Conflict management for nurses: A virtual simulation. [virtual simulation]. (2nd ed.). Retrieved at https://www.softchalkcloud.com/lesson/serve/HyNIMiFSTh3Y8g/html
Cultural Competency
Cultural Competency and End of Life
Culture and End of Life Issues Tutorial at http://edoc.ucdavis.edu/doctoring/media/Tutorials/Culture/4Cs/index.html
Practical Clinical SKills (EKG, Heart Sounds, Lung sounds, etc.) at http://www.practicalclinicalskills.com/
Nursing Center: http://www.nursingcenter.com/lnc/
Math for Nurses: http://nurseana.com/math-for-nurses.html
Learn Genetics at University of Utah: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/
Your Genes, Your Health: http://www.ygyh.org/
Population Health
These are outstanding virtual modules for Population Health! Many great ones here and are up to date! Association for Prevention Teaching and Research: http://www.aptrweb.org/?PH_LearningModules