Nurse Scholar Cafe

 Welcome to the Mustang Nursing Virtual Learning Lab!       

In this Learning Lab, there are several learning modules that are my compiled collection from modules I have authored and other web sites:

Civilty and Conflict Management

Module 1:  Civility and Incivility in the Nursing Workplace:

Module 2:  Conflict and Conflict Management Styles:

Module 3:  Conflict Management for Nurses:

Module 4:  Pre-Virtual Simulation Briefing 2.0  (2nd ed.).:

Module 5:  Leibold, N. (2020). Conflict management for nurses: A virtual simulation. [virtual simulation]. (2nd ed.). Retrieved at


Cultural Competency

Cultural Competency and End of Life

Culture and End of Life Issues Tutorial at

Practical Clinical SKills (EKG, Heart Sounds, Lung sounds, etc.) at

Nursing Center:


Math for Nurses:


Learn Genetics at University of Utah:

Your Genes, Your Health:

Population Health

These are outstanding virtual modules for Population Health!  Many great ones here and are up to date!  Association for Prevention Teaching and Research: